Power & Energy society(PES)

The Computer Society was launched on November 23, 2023. It aims to bring together professionals in the field of computer science and technology to promote collaboration and innovation.

The society offers networking opportunities, educational resources, and professional development for its members. It is always ahead in providing coding boot camps and workshops to keep members up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies with events like "APTI.PY," "APTICODE," and "Algorithm Arena." The Computer Society also hosts conferences and events where experts share their knowledge and insights with attendees. Its webinar on "Career Exploration and Skill Development" provided a wealth of information on various career paths and strategies for professional growth. The Computer Society strives for excellence in promoting networking and collaboration among its members, fostering a supportive community where individuals can learn from each other and advance their careers. By offering a wide range of resources and opportunities, the Computer Society aims to empower its members to succeed in the ever-evolving field of technology..

Our PES Executive Team 2023-2024:


PES Advisor